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Automotive lifestyle brand, Volvo, recently launched a Pinterest contest, The Volvo Joyride. The contest asks Pinterest users to pin items for their dream road trip. In order to enter, contestants must create a pinboard and title it “Volvo Joyride.” Users then repin one of Volvo’s images to their own board and pin images or videos of their ideal road trip destination, stops along the way, their road trip outfit and music to listen to during the drive to enter into the contest. Volvo understands Pinterest is a platform where users create wish lists and showcase their style and personality. By combining the lifestyle aspect of their brand identity with the lifestyle focus of Pinterest, Volvo can connect with consumers and leverage a platform with high virality and higher purchase rates than other social media platforms.

Read more about Volvo’s campaign here.

Interested in finding out more about Pinterest contests? Read more here.