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Aiming to prove to the world that there’s more to running than distance and speed, Puma created Run Navi. A running app built with the goal of stimulating curiosity, promoting discovery and advocating for the pure joy of running. But with several options on the market, how did Puma expect to go head to head with the likes of Nike (see: Nike+ Running App) and differentiate in such a competitive app category? By focusing less on sports performance, Puma was able to hone in on the emotional benefits of running and highlight them through built-in layers of utility. As many runners can attest, running the same routes can be boring. Taking the time to plan new ones, can be time consuming and inconvenient. By quickly selecting your current mood via the Run Navi app interface, the app dynamically customizes your run routes and instantly syncs them with GoogleMaps and GooglePlaces, keeping your runs fresh and evergreen. But the app doesn’t stop there. While on your journey, the app uses sound cues – a beep in the right ear to turn right or a beep in the left to turn left – to keep you on course, easily navigating new terrain.

Check it out for yourself here.