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Still not ready to accept that it’s 2014? Well here’s a way to move on while commemorating your best moments from 2013. Statigram recently released an exclusive video snapshot feature which displays your best Instagram moments from 2013 in a short video that can be shared through any social media platform. Statigram introduced this feature as a way to offer fans a special gift during the holiday season, and what a better way to ring in the New Year than reflecting on the year’s most special moments. An additional plus, is that this feature is completely FREE. All you have to do is go to, sign-in and request the video. Once you have received and downloaded the video it’s ready to share with the world. So, start off 2014 with a nostalgic nod to the past year and let everyone share in your trip down memory lane. Find out more about Statigram and how to get your free video here.