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The premiere of the first trailer for Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln will debut September 13, in a Google+ Hangout.  Director Steven Spielberg and actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt will also be featured in the hangout for a live chat about the film.  The Lincoln trailer will be the first trailer to debut via a Google+ hangout, but the social network has been used for its hangout feature for movies like The Muppets and The Avengers in the past. To participate in the hangout, fans must RSVP via and those who want to participate in the discussion must submit a YouTube video using the hashtag #LincolnHangout. The trailer and Hangout videos will be available on YouTube following the live broadcast. So far. over 1,000 people have responded to the hangout. If the Hangout is successful, it might lead to more movie studios utilizing the social network in addition to their Facebook, YouTube and Twitter activity.

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