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Google, who recently lost their longtime executive Marissa Mayer to Yahoo!, has decided to violate the key rules she put in place. Google became known for their minimalist approach to their homepage by keeping it ad-free. On Tuesday, Google’s front page displayed an animated banner ad showing the top half of Google’s new android tablet, Nexus 7. When Google users click on the ad, they are redirected to Google’s Play Store where the tablet can be purchased. Mobile internet banner advertising is a huge moneymaker for brands, and with Google increasing their product line, they must attempt to stay in front of competitors. Google has only advertised on its homepage twice before. The first time was in 2010 for the Nexus One smartphone, but the ad was much smaller and linked to an informational page rather than a product page. The second ad was to protest the passing of SOPA in early 2012, which also did not link to a shopping cart. Is Google changing their mobile web marketing strategies and integrating mobile commerce trends to stay with the times? To learn more, visit Mashable.