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Aston Martin, the British automaker, has come out with a digital magazine to promote its vehicles as well as increase its lifestyle status through luxury branded content and advertisements. Aston Martin is an aspirational lifestyle brand and the iPad magazine enhances its image through a variety of articles. The content includes articles on handbags, electronics, shoes and apparel as well as advertising opportunities for other luxury brands. The ads include video content, images and connect to mobile sites of the specific brand. Aston Martin’s iPad magazine is available free at Apple’s App Store and is broken into 17 different features. When consumers access the app, they are shown a table of contents that lists the articles that are available. In addition to the articles, the user can see all aspects from the Aston Martin site without leaving the app. The content on the digital magazine allows the consumer to have a deeper interaction with the brand and allows them to immerse themselves in the brand image.

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