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Into All Things Limited (IATL) has recently released an iPad/iPhone app called Gardens that allows users to photograph and share their and others’ inspirational botanical arrangements while also providing them with tips, videos and easy-to-use shopping lists to help them improve their gardens. Created to accompany IATL’s iPad magazine publication, intoGardens, the functional focal point of the Gardens app is a green button at the bottom-center of the screen that allows users to take pictures of their backyard’s horticultural masterpieces and share them with the world via social media or email. According to IATL, the app “signals the end of furiously scribbling down plant names in wet notebooks when visiting gardens, allowing you to photograph the plant, caption its name and even file it in your own digital scrapbook within the app,” making the app a very useful memory tool that you can take with you whether your visiting a renowned local garden or if a something catches your eye while you’re on a walk or driving around. The app also has a “Magic Parcels” feature, which provides users with monthly gardening tips and video tutorials to help them optimize their gardens. Each tutorial is paired with a shopping list that correlates with the need or suggestion, giving users the ability to add or subtract these items from their “wheelbarrow,” which is essentially just a digital shopping cart. After choosing the items to go in your wheelbarrow, the app directs you to online suppliers’ websites to purchase these materials. This app is a big step towards simplifying the setbacks and visual preparation that comes with building and maintaining gardens. ‘Branching’ out from there, Gardens could ultimately look into evolving the app so that it shows users their virtual garden, which could essentially be a customizable blueprint of their backyard that they can visually add or subtract various elements to and from. Find out more about the Gardens app here.