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Delta Airlines leveraged Millennials propensity to snap selfies of their world travels and share them through Instagram by creating the ‘Delta Dating Wall’ in partnership with Tinder.

The wall, located in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, features scenes from nine locations around the world including Honolulu, Paris, Los Angeles, Pisa, London, Mexico City, Amsterdam, Moscow and Zurich – all places that Delta flies to. After realizing that 1 in 2 singles say traveling is one of their favorite things to do and 62% of men and 74% of women want a partner who shares their travel interests, the #DeltaDatingWall came to life.

The wall not only provides the perfect opportunity for passersby to interact with Delta in real life, but also to share the content on their personal pages, and connect with others on Tinder. While the wall will be featured throughout the Summer, on June 17th Delta and Tinder will host a single-centric event where people can have a professional photo taken in front of the wall and post this a fun photo of their chosen ‘destination.’

A second wall was created called, “Go Where Your Food is From,” encouraging people to follow their passions and see the world with Delta.